The bungalows accommodation Pulau Weh have a small fridge and hot water dispenser, for tea and coffee. All have have hot water showers as standard. They are light and airy with double glass doors leading to the terrace. Surrounded by stunning trees they offer uninterrupted views of the Andaman Sea. Directly in front the reef is in very good condition, due to the lack of human activity.
Our accommodation Pulau Weh is an ideal place to start snorkeling along the coast or just to admire the reef from the shore.
The luxury guesthouse accommodation Pulau Weh is ideal for family and group bookings. It has two double rooms and one triple room, all with AC. There are also two bathrooms with hot water showers. With Its own private entrance and large terrace, the space is ideal for relaxing after a day’s diving or a tour of the island. There is also a fridge and facilities to make tea and coffee. The terrace is only 20 meters from the sea. Positioned in the tree tops our accommodation Pulau Weh normally has a sea breeze and this combined with its traditional roof construction, ensures that even in the heat of the day it is always very cool and relaxing.
About us
The Guesthouse is run by my wife and I. Originally from the UK, I have been living in Indonesia for six years now. We have two young children, Lilly and Alland and decided to make this beautiful island our home, for reasons that will become obvious if you visit here.
Wiggy and Nona